Online Dog Training Course

Online Dog Training Course


Retail value: $450.00

This online course offers the following:

Understanding Your Dog-

This course, will help you to understand your dog at their deepest level, provide them with ultimate fulfilment and begin making changes to their behavior today.

The Rapid Recall Formula- 

🚩How to find out what your dog loves the most

🚩How to supercharge your dogs highest reward

🚩How to get your dog to WANT to come to you (without behaving like a nut)

🚩How to make sure it works in EVERY situation

The Herding Game-

Weeks of tuition are condensed into 10 efficient 6 -minute lessons equipping you with everything you need to know to take a novice and teach them to play The Herding Game!

The Border Collie- 

In this, you will learn how your collie (or other herding dog) is wired differently to other breeds, how to motivate them on their deepest level, how to develop their cool natural herding behaviour (and discourage it where you don't want it), what arousal is, why it's important and how to manipulate it to your advantage, and in general - how to have a happy, healthy well-behaved collie/herding dog for a companion.

Trick Training Masterclass- 

Prepare your dog for an AKC "Trick Dog" evaluation, or just have fun teaching new tricks!  

Sixteen step by step coaching videos teaching…

Turn on the light

My Dog Can Read

Fetch Your Lead

Sit Pretty – The safe way


Chin target

Paws Up

Spin & Twist

Wrap Around

Roll over


In & Out

Take a Bow

Hoop Jump

Push a Ball

Hand Touch

BONUS: Secret EPIC Trick!

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